When patients come through our doors at Navarro Regional Hospital and our outpatient clinical care sites, it is our privilege to provide quality, compassionate medical care to help them get well and live healthier. And we are proud to play an important part in the health of Navarro County and the larger region with a collective impact in 2024 of approximately $100 million. Delivering Medical Care Across our hospital and clinical care sites, we delivered care and service at more than 157,000 patient enco... ... Read More
News that Harrison Ford withdrew from the 2025 Oscars ceremony due to a diagnosis of shingles has brought attention to this common, often painful, condition. Usually thought of as a childhood disease, chickenpox can have lasting effects well into adulthood because the virus remains inactive in the body even after recovery. Years after you have had the chickenpox, the virus can reappear in the form of shingles. One in three Americans will experience shingles in their lifetime according to the Centers for... ... Read More
Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation on the Rise Due to Lifestyle Factors, Aging Population The prevalence of one of the most common cardiovascular conditions in the U.S. is significantly higher than previously estimated, underscoring the need for better prevention and treatment strategies. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a rapid, irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke or sudden death if untreated. A 2024 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology estimates the current national prevalenc... ... Read More
Know the Difference Between Heartburn and a Heart Attack As the holidays approach, many Americans look forward to all of the festivities, spending time with family and friends, and indulging in traditional holiday dishes. But, what many people don’t know is that during the holiday season there may also be a higher risk of two health conditions - heartburn and heart attack. “These conditions are not the same and not related, but sometimes they can be hard to tell apart,” said Dr. Shahzad Syed, a gastroen... ... Read More
Brush up on stroke risk factors and symptoms to protect your health Amid all the gifts and good times, the holidays also come with a higher risk for medical emergencies, including stroke. Celebrations often include rich foods and alcohol; busier social calendars can leave less time for exercise and sleep. Added stress from holiday preparations, shopping for gifts, increased expenses or traveling, and many other holiday activities can affect the body. Cold weather can, too. Taken together, these elements... ... Read More
A growing trend in orthopedics reveals that younger people are undergoing hip and knee replacements, raising questions about the optimal age to undergo these procedures. According to the American Academy of Orthopedics, by 2030, people younger than 65 will account for more than half of hip replacements and more than 60 percent of knee replacements. Only an orthopedic surgeon can help determine if a joint replacement is appropriate for a younger person, but they are becoming increasingly common among Gen... ... Read More
Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer Gives Best Chance of Survival The American College of Radiology now recommends women who are at average risk for breast cancer get screening mammograms annually starting at age 40 for women of average risk. The recommendations are in response to the increase in breast cancer diagnoses in younger women and high mortality rates in Black women. Here in Texas, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer – at more than three times the rate of lung cancer... ... Read More
Corsicana, TX – Medical Associates of Navarro County is pleased to announce that Harold Campbell, M.D., general surgeon, will join the general surgery practice of Dr. Robert Kingman and Dr. Justin Kaufmann in October 2024. Dr. Campbell brings extensive experience in the inpatient, outpatient and emergency department setting by providing expert surgical care for a wide range of conditions, including colorectal and vascular surgery, cancer surgeries and hernia repair. Dr. Campbell earned his medical degre... ... Read More
Every three seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with a type of dementia, which is the general term for the loss of memory, language, and ability to make decisions enough that it impacts everyday life. Caused by damage to brain cells, dementia is becoming increasingly more common and a leading cause of disability and dependency among older Americans. However, evidence suggests living a healthy lifestyle could help prevent severe cognitive decline and a dementia diagnosis. “Today, there’s no cure f... ... Read More
As the CEO of Navarro Regional Hospital, I am honored to share the exciting news that our hospital has earned a 4-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This recognition is a significant achievement for our entire team and speaks to our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional healthcare to the people of Corsicana and surrounding areas. Measuring and tracking quality in healthcare means holding patient safety in the highest regard. In 2016, the Centers for Medicare ... ... Read More